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Independent Lab Analysis Confirms that Juicing with
Angel Juicer latest series Angelia 7500 Produced More Juice
and Higher Nutritional Content than another twin gear
juicer, single gear juicer and centrifugal juicers as tested by
an independent scientific lab.
Angel Juicers produced astounding amount of nutritional
value compared to other juicers as noted in the magnesium
analysis in the above graph. Lab analysis have been
confirmed by Korea Advanced Food Institute (KAFRI).
Comparison of Magnesium Extracted per 100ml of Juice
extracted from Angelica plant :
Angel juicer newest models Angelia Juicer series applies
SHG, LSCS and MSE technologies result in higher
nutritional value in juice produced than other companies’
Angel Juicers produced
astounding amount of
nutritional value compared to
other juicers as noted in the
magnesium analysis in the
above graph. Lab analysis have
been confirmed by Korea
Advanced Food Institute
The above independent lab
analysis Angelica plant was
used :
Lab analysis
certificate A:
used Angel
juicer new
Angelia 7500
juicer at the
time of the
Calcium (82.8
Notice a huge difference
between our latest of the Angel/
super angel juicer machine
compared to the nutrition
extracted by our closest
competitions as noted bellow.
Juicer B:
(Another twin
gear juicer on
the market)
Calcium (11.9
View Certificate
Juicer C: (Single
gear Augur
type juicer on
the market)
Calcium (11.5
Magnesium (4.4
View Certificate
Juicer D:
type juicer on
the market)
Calcium (4.9
Certificate D
We used the Angelica green
plant in the lab testing found
our Angel Juicer Angelia
produced 720% more Calcium
than the single Augur juicer
(Juicer C in our Analysis) and
produced about 341% more
Magnesium than the single
augur juicer.
We used the Angelica green
plant, because some cancer
therapists ordered our
commercial juicer specifically to
juice this particular plant.
Generally, the Angel juicer
series Angelia 7500 and above
can extract 70-80% of juice from
vegetables and 80 to 90% of
juice from fruits. In the lab
study using Angelica, the
extracted juice measured 85.6%.
First image is a
result of using
Angel Juicers
models Angelia
series that SHG
is applied. The
evenly and finely fibroid
The second
image is the
produced when
using a plastic
and a stainless
steel juicers.
You can not get
vital enzyme,
that are stored deep within the
cell marrow of the plant.
Because, the fiber can not be
grounded enough in this
The third image is the fibroid
produced when using a single
gear. Notice that the fiber is
not grounded at all. As a result,
very little nutrients can be
extracted with this system.
Notice the
older Angel
Juicer gears
model (image
on the left) and
Green power
Kempo gears
on the right
and the Angel
Juicer new
Angelia series.
That is why
Angel Juicer
models Angelia
series enable
more juice volume and
nutrition than other juicers.
Click here to learn more about the
Angel Juicer SHG, LSCS, MSE and
other technologies applied for the
Angel Juicer series Angelia juicers.
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