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Comparing the Angel juicer new Angelia juicer with Cold Press Masticating

Juicers - up to 200 RPM and Hydraulic Press

Angel juicers offers a more natural approach similar to our mouth for a superior

result when compared with cold press masticating juicers and hydraulic press

juicers. The angel juicers approach places the angel juicer new models angelia

juicers among top juicers.

We chew our food at about 30 to 60 chews per minute via a cold press masticating process, thus insuring maximum nutrient availability and minimal oxidation of nutrients. If our mouths were to imitate high speed centrifugal juicers, we would be chewing at an incredible 1,000 to 30,000 bites per minute. That is rather unnatural. Some discerning customers insist on using only 'Cold Press Juicers' with speeds ranging from 200 rpm and less. Cold press juicers are purpose built machines that extract a high quality 'living juice' for maximum well-being. Cold press juicers are genuine juice extractors that literally extract juice from your produce via a slow speed 'cold press' masticating process. Because the nutrients are preserved, less or no oxidation, the juice tastes stronger (much better) and has a much longer shelf-life (refrigerator). These juicers are especially appealing to health enthusiasts, sports people, convalescing, natural disease prevention and healing experts, cancer patients, cancer centers and cancer natural therapists. Angel juicer new model Angelia juicers extracts nutrients at 82 RPM. The food does not spin-around and oxidate, rather the food is shredded, chewed and squeezed in a very small and tight space and under high pressure thanks to our advanced low speed screw cone and the shattering Helical gear technologies. Juicing using hydraulic press of 2000lb to 4000lb on food after chopped by pressing it against a very large surface compared to the Angel juicer technology. Hydraulic press of food involves a prior step of chopping the food. However, the Angel juicer Angelia series has perfected the technology for more than 30-years of experience to develop a three-stage advanced technology of slow shredding of the cells of the food. Then it takes the food that has been slowly shredder into very tinny bites in the narrow spaces of th Shattering Helical Gears pressing it slowly under high pressure and a tinny amount at a time. The exit dry pulp continue to be squeezed during the final stage. The design of the Angel juicer new Angelia models works at breaking the marrow of the fibroid cells open and efficiently squeezing our the nutrients intact. During the squeezing and masticating of the nutrients from the chewed food minimizing and avoiding the air circulation to avoid any oxidative effect on the extracted juice and nutrients. Remember the old saying to eat small bites at a time and to chew your food slow and good ensuring a complete break of the fiber before you swallow it. Angel juicer advanced technology resembles very much the natural slow chewing of food leaving very tinny gap between the teeth and the extremely small shredded bites.  For further information on the Angel juicer technology, please read our lab analysis and our advanced technology.
Angel Juicer Company’s Vision is to Manufacture the Best Juicer in the World Let Angelia Juicer’s Juice Be Your Medicine
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© Copyright since 1982 -2016 No company, entity, website or individual is permitted to use any part of this website images, materials, codes, testimonials, product descriptions or reviews for the purpose of gaining from advertisement or marketing for any of our products or using our products’ information or materials to market to other companies or for search engines to place advertisements on another website without a written and legally notarized permission from our company. Violation of our copyright is liable to compensate us for all actual and potential damages, losses, and violations. All Rights Reserved   = XML Sitemap Google Feed
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Comparing the Angel juicer new

Angelia juicer with Cold Press

Masticating Juicers - up to 200 RPM

and Hydraulic Press

Angel juicers offers a more natural

approach similar to our mouth for a

superior result when compared

with cold press masticating juicers

and hydraulic press juicers. The

angel juicers approach places the

angel juicer new models angelia

juicers among top juicers.

We chew our food at about 30 to 60 chews per minute via a cold press masticating process, thus insuring maximum nutrient availability and minimal oxidation of nutrients. If our mouths were to imitate high speed centrifugal juicers, we would be chewing at an incredible 1,000 to 30,000 bites per minute. That is rather unnatural. Some discerning customers insist on using only 'Cold Press Juicers' with speeds ranging from 200 rpm and less. Cold press juicers are purpose built machines that extract a high quality 'living juice' for maximum well-being. Cold press juicers are genuine juice extractors that literally extract juice from your produce via a slow speed 'cold press' masticating process. Because the nutrients are preserved, less or no oxidation, the juice tastes stronger (much better) and has a much longer shelf-life (refrigerator). These juicers are especially appealing to health enthusiasts, sports people, convalescing, natural disease prevention and healing experts, cancer patients, cancer centers and cancer natural therapists. Angel juicer new model Angelia juicers extracts nutrients at 82 RPM. The food does not spin-around and oxidate, rather the food is shredded, chewed and squeezed in a very small and tight space and under high pressure thanks to our advanced low speed screw cone and the shattering Helical gear technologies. Juicing using hydraulic press of 2000lb to 4000lb on food after chopped by pressing it against a very large surface compared to the Angel juicer technology. Hydraulic press of food involves a prior step of chopping the food. However, the Angel juicer Angelia series has perfected the technology for more than 30-years of experience to develop a three-stage advanced technology of slow shredding of the cells of the food. Then it takes the food that has been slowly shredder into very tinny bites in the narrow spaces of th Shattering Helical Gears pressing it slowly under high pressure and a tinny amount at a time. The exit dry pulp continue to be squeezed during the final stage. The design of the Angel juicer new Angelia models works at breaking the marrow of the fibroid cells open and efficiently squeezing our the nutrients intact. During the squeezing and masticating of the nutrients from the chewed food minimizing and avoiding the air circulation to avoid any oxidative effect on the extracted juice and nutrients. Remember the old saying to eat small bites at a time and to chew your food slow and good ensuring a complete break of the fiber before you swallow it. Angel juicer advanced technology  resembles very much the natural slow chewing of food leaving very tinny gap between the teeth and the extremely small shredded bites.  For further information on the Angel juicer technology, please read our lab analysis and our advanced technology.
Angel Juicer Company’s Vision is to Manufacture the Best Juicer in the World Let Angelia Juicer’s Juice Be Your Medicine
Current Visitors